Water Restoration

A flood is among the most terrifying things that could happen to your house. If flooding isn’t handled with right away, your carpets, expensive furnishings, and the structure itself could sustain irreparable damage costing thousands of dollars.

Get the water out of your house right away. Call All American Duct Cleaning for assistance when calamity hits. Before mold grows, our I.I.C.R.C. certified water restoration specialists can pump the water out of your house, dehumidify the area, and remove the ruined flooring.

If wet carpet and padding are not cleaned up right away, mold will begin to grow on them. Some molds are poisonous and can seriously harm your family’s health. The drywall in your home will at the very least soon become infected with mold as it begins to grow, resulting in significant extra damage that could have been avoided.

Replacing the drywall in your home requires hiring a mold treatment professional, which is a costly and time-consuming process. Most mold treatment is not covered by homes insurance, or the coverage limits are too low to pay for your real repairs, in contrast to water damage losses, which are typically covered. You’re left with outstanding invoices totaling tens of thousands of dollars.

Most major insurance companies recommend All American Duct Cleaning, and we provide 24-hour emergency services throughout the larger Phoenix metropolitan region. If you choose All American Duct Cleaning, our team of experts will be there within 60 minutes of your call, every day of the year, including nights, weekends, and holidays. And all of this is FREE!




With a commitment to customer satisfaction, we guarantee the quality of our work and stand behind it with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Trust All American Duct Cleaning to provide expert air duct cleaning services for a healthier and more efficient indoor environment.

  • Dedicated and knowledgeable professionals
  • Work guaranteed & neatly done
  • We provide 24 hour 365 day service (water restoration only) 1 (888) ARZ-DUCT!